The Daily Tarot App!


For my Tarot Capstone project, I designed an interactive three page tarot card app that features a fetchable one-card tarot spread on the Home page, an About page, and a Contact page with a form that sends email messages via a secure server API endpoint. The projects main goal is to provide users with a seamless and engaging tarot card reading experience while also allowing the user to connect with me via the contact form and a hyperlink to my Linkedin profile.

I began the project by creating a divStyle that set the apps background image, creating the navigation and header components, and compiling a tarot-data.json file, that contains detailed information about each of the 22 major arcana cards from the Ryder-Waite tarot deck. Since the tarot API I initially planned to use did not offer image URLs, I decided to build and edit a tarot-data.json file myself, including both tarot card images with brief yet insightful card interpretations of each of the cards.

On the home page, I implemented an API endpoint (api/tarot.js) to fetch the tarot data locally and display it when users click a fetch Tarot Data button. This dynamic functionality enriches the user experience by presenting detailed information about each card, along with its image in a stylized and intuitive interface. The contact page includes an email form that enables users to send messages via Resend, with the messages subsequently stored in Redis for further processing.

To enhance the visual appeal and interactivity, I utilized Tailwind CSS and Storybook to style key components of the app, such as the navigation menu, the fetch button, the headers, and two customized icons using iconifyc design; the Tarot App Icon and a Social Media Icon hyperlink. The result is a modern, responsive design that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate.